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OFCCP and EEOC Launch Hiring Initiative to Reimagine Equity (HIRE)

OFCCP and EEOC Launch Hiring Initiative to Reimagine Equity (HIRE)

The initiative will be launched in a virtual public roundtable on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

The Office of Federal Contracts Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) launched a joint initiative to reimagine hiring practices with the goal of advancing equal employment opportunities and providing workers access to jobs.

The Hiring Initiative to Reimagine Equity (HIRE) is a multi-year collaborative effort to address key hiring and recruiting challenges and engage stakeholders to expand access to good jobs for workers in underrepresented communities. (HIRE - OFCCP link; HIRE - EEOC link)

HIRE will:

      • Host convenings on organizational policy and practices to reimagine equity and expand opportunities in hiring.
      • Identify strategies to remove unnecessary barriers to hiring, and to promote effective, job-related hiring and recruitment practices to cultivate a diverse pool of qualified workers.
      • Promote equity in the use of tech-based hiring systems.
      • Develop resources to promote the adoption of innovative and evidence-based recruiting and hiring practices that advance equity.

Hire will be launched by the two agencies in a virtual public roundtable on January 19, 2022, at 2:00 ET to commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The roundtable participants include:

      • Jenny R. Yang, Director, U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Contract Compliance Programs
      • Charlotte A. Burrows, Chair, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
      • Jocelyn Samuels, Vice Chair, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
      • Sindy Benavides, Chief Executive Officer, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
      • Kathleen Lundquist, President and CEO, APTMetrics
      • Fred Redmond, Secretary Treasurer, AFL-CIO
      • Veta Richardson, President, and CEO, Association of Corporation Counsel
      • Lola Smallwood Cuevas, Project Director and Founder of Los Angeles Black Worker Center, UCLA Labor Center
      • Cid Wilson, President, and CEO, Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility
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